All school policies are listed on this page with links to the documents, all of which are available for download. This page will be added to as new policies are formulated. The answers to many frequently asked questions may be found in the policies. In case of any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Please be aware that some policies are currently under review and we will post the more updated version in due course.


Acceptable Use Policy

Administration of Medicines Policy

Anti Bullying policy

Admissions Policy 2024

School Attendance Policy

Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment 2023

Child Safeguarding Checklist Review Feb 2023

BOM Notification Review on Child Safeguarding 2023

Child Safeguarding Statement 2024

Positive Behaviour and Discipline Code

School Data Protection Policy

Healthy Eating Policy

Homework Policy

Nut Allergy Advisory

Parental Complaints Procedure

Parental Involvement Framework

Protected Disclosures Policy

Safety Health and Welfare Policy

School Tour Procedures

Special Needs Policy Covid review

SPHE Policy

Student Teacher Protocol

Substance Use Policy

Supervision Procedures

Remote Teaching and Learning Policy