The Board of Management in St Anne’s is made up of eight members (2023-2027)

  • Chairperson: Fr. Robert McCabe (Bishop’s Nominee). Fr Robert has been appointed as Chairperson of the board in December 2023. He has served on our board as Bishop’s nominee previously. He is chaplain of St Anne’s and a part of the parochial team here in the parish.
  • Principal: Miriam McCabe (Teacher Nominee) has been on the Board of Management since her appointment as Principal in 2024. She advises the Board regarding the day to day running of the school.
  • Treasurer: Eamonn O’Neill (Community Nominee) Eamonn joins our Board of Management in 2023 as a Community Nominee. He is the Treasurer on the Board.
  • Teacher: Nichola Lynch (Teacher Nominee) Nichola has been appointed as the teacher nominee on the Board for the 2023-2027 term. I’ve been in St. Anne’s since September 2009. Nichola is  currently a member of the Special Education team in the school. She will act as recording secretary to the Board.
  • Parent: Paul Kiernan (Parent Nominee) Paul has been appointed to the Board for the 2023 – 27 term as a Parent’s Nominee. I have one child currently in St. Anne’s.
  • Parent: Paula Keating (Parent Nominee)  Paula was appointed to the Board of Management in 2023 as a Parent’s Nominee.  Paula has three children, all of whom are currently in St. Anne’s. 
  • Bishop’s Nominee: Fiona Healy (Bishop’s Nominee)
  • Legal Adviser: Oliver Shanley (Community Nominee) I have been on the Board of Management in St Anne’s since 2003 as consultant advisor in a legal capacity. I have a law practice in Navan. My grandchildren are current and past pupils of St Anne’s.

The Board of Management acts on behalf of the patron, and in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education and Skills. The Board performs as one unit in terms of it’s function in addressing the business of the school. The Board holds meetings twice a term to focus on specific activities to meet the goals identified in the schools yearly plans.